Our job is to “reassure our clients that their voice is valid.” This is something that L. Michelle shared with me earlier this week that has been a reoccurring thought in my mind. On Monday, I went to the Health and Wellness Integrated Health Centers to assist with staff picture day. I had a great conversation with the photographer before everything got started. She told me that photography was her hobby at first, and she never thought she would be doing it full-time. I feel as though this is the best type of career path. Something that you truly have a passion for, and making it work for you. Before each staff member went on set to take their picture, I took a short testimonial from them. I plan to put those quotes on Dr. Mignon’s website. I am always looking for new ways to curate content to better connect with people. Something else that L. told me was: “people know what you’re supposed to say, but it’s about what you aren’t saying that is most interesting.” I love this quote because I get it, but I’m constantly working to figure it out at the same time. For me, this quote has a semi-mystical meaning, something I’m not sure I can attain just yet, but a place that I am continually trying to reach. This next month as I wrap up my schoolwork and finish my freshman year, I plan to throw myself into this internship. I feel responsible for carrying out these little quotes of wisdom L. Michelle has shared with me. It is truly my job to make sure Dr. Mignon’s voice is heard, but not just what you expect to hear---- something much more profound, meaningful, and authentic.