As we lay our heads to sleep and open our eyes the next, we forget to slow down and analyze the world that changes every second. Due to busy schedules and just life in general, people, including myself, take for granted the small things like the smell of fresh coffee brewing in the morning or when the sun is positioned just right to give me the sun-kissed glow on my skin.
I currently have the opportunity to film these moments while using Snapchat’s Spectacles, and it is an experience in itself. With these chic and advanced glasses, I film my life for others to see it from my point-of-view.
While creating my own Life Film, I can creatively show the world my life, the life that I thought was normal at one point in time.
The Spectacles have uplifted me in a way that makes me feel special and that the things I do are unique and different in their way.
The program is also an excellent way for me as a student to work on my Journalistic skills.
Using the Spectacles to Journal my life shows the importance of how journalism and technology go hand- and- hand.
The way people view themselves and how they live is always evolving, and soon pilot programs like this will become the new norm for people of all ages, races, and sizes.
During the next six weeks, I am given different tasks and topics to film about with the spectacles to see the growth in my journalistic ability and be able to look back on these memories and see the world in a new way.